NETS is the emergency service for sick or injured babies, infants and children needing transfer to a specialist perinatal or paediatric centre.
Originally established in 1979, NETS incorporated various hospital-based services to become a single statewide service in 1995. NETS is a part of the NSW Health system; managed since July 2011 by the SCH Network.
Today, NETS provides a service to over 250 hospitals in NSW, the ACT and beyond. NETS is staffed by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, technical and support staff who maintain a 24 hour a day; 7 day-a-week service. Specialist transport nurses in the Clinical Coordination Centre are the front line of the Service; taking calls from hospitals small and large. They link the caller with a NETS retrieval specialist to give advice and chair a discussion with specialists from a wide range of tertiary hospitals. The result of this process may be an emergency retrieval by a NETS' team but increasingly, a simpler solution is possible. Sometimes, advice is sufficient to solve the problem and the child stays in the referring hospital.
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