You can help raise money for NETS by organising a 'Fundraising Event'.
The ideas are endless to the types of fundraising activities you can develop, and we want yours to be successful!
Before you complete your application form please click here to view/print NETS Fundraising Terms of Agreement.
After you have read the 'terms of agreement' please click here to complete a Fundraising Event Agreement & Application Form online or call NETS on 1800 10 NETS (6387) to request a form.
Please note that all fundraising activities that involve the use of the NETS name or trademarked logo must be reviewed and approved prior to your fundraising event.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any questions about this form or about planning an event or
promotion for NETS, please contact us on 1800 10 NETS (1800 10 6387).
Jo Kent Biggs Retrieval Seminar
The Jo Kent-Biggs NETS Retrieval Seminar7th & 8th November 2024 | 9am - 5pm